Niemand will wirklich Werbung. Alle wollen Antworten. Relevante Antworten. Informationen zu Produkten, die interessieren.
Unterbrecher-Werbung funktioniert nicht mehr.
Internet und Vernetzung haben das Leben verändert. Die Menschen suchen sich ihre Inhalte selbst - im Internet. Über 90% der Internet-Nutzer informieren sich online, bevor Sie sich für ein Produkt entscheiden.
Die Website ist das wichtigste Verkaufsinstrument. Für jeden. Ob Weltkonzern oder Händler um die Ecke. Aber eine einfache Website reicht nicht, wenn man verkaufen will. Spannende Inhalte und aktiver Dialog entscheiden. Und das Marketing, mit dem Sie Ihre Website zum Magneten und zur besseren Infoquelle machen.
Die Kunden-Kommunikation hat sich gewandelt. Von der schnellen, unaufgeforderten Werbung zu einer intensiven Prozess-Disziplin: Datenbank gesteuert und individuell.
Digitalisierung und Vernetzung verändern wie wir kommunizieren. Der Change beginnt in Ihrem Unternehmen: Mit Online basierten Lösungen, die das Zusammenarbeiten im Team auf eine ganz neue Effizienz bringen.
SHB bietet das gesamte Spektrum für online gestütztes Marketing. Für interne Prozesse und verkaufsorientierte Dialogkommunikation. Kein Technikprogramm einer Online-Agentur. Sondern echte, authentische Marketing-Lösungen, die verkaufen. Basierend auf jahrelanger Praxis-Erfahrung für erfolgsorientierte Auftraggeber.
Auf unserer Website finden Sie alles, um Ihre Idee, Ihr Business voranzubringen.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Passion for Marketing that Sells.
SHB has been founded by Stephan Bausback. Stephan holds a German degree in business administration and received a scholarship to study advertising at Texas Tech University and direct marketing at New York University.
Prior to SHB Stephan started his career on the client side in direct marketing at Bertelsmann Publishing in Germany and hold positions as an Account Executive at Ogilvy & Mather Direct, New York and Frankfurt, Account Director at Grey Direct in Frankfurt and Management Supervisor at Ted Bates Group in Germany. He has been the German chair of the John Caples Award for more than a decade and has been actively supporting the German Direct Marketing Association.
At SHB Stephan continued working for blue chips in financial, publishing and mail order, with clients like American Express, Citibank, AIG, Newsweek and worked on prestigious German accounts like Deutsche Post, Mercedes Benz, Spiegel and Bertelsmann.
With the change towards online oriented customer acquisition SHB has invested into digital technology and subsequently transformed the classic print-oriented direct marketing business from 14 full-time staff to a lean operation employing 5 fulltime plus additional freelance associates. Agency services have been supplemented by marketing tools for e-mail automation and online presentation and the agency has developed its own e-commerce web-to-print platform.
As advertising transforms into customer driven reverse-marketing, with an increasing number of traditional direct marketing accounts being directed towards in-house operations, SHB has focused on planning and consulting to resolve online disrupted marketing challenges.
Next to its Stuttgart headquarter SHB has installed a creative office in the black forest region and established associate partnerships in Montreal (IT) and London (creative).
SHB maintains a culture of an owner-operated hands-on atmosphere. We never work without a written strategy and always calculate on ROI before we leap. Nothing is creative unless it sells.
Find out what we can do for you. It just takes a 2-minute call to see whether a meeting with us is worth the time. We are looking forward to it!
SHB develops single-shots as well as complex business models based on digital change. Marketing driven and inspired by technology.
SHB expertise is response marketing – the development of responsive communication based on targeting with individual content and process. Maximum advertising results and efficiency will be achieved if a receptions profile can be detected and be used for individual approach and offer. Individual communication requires process automation which can be realized best in digital media.
SHB Individual Marketing &
Advertising Stuttgart GmbH
Hölderlinstrasse 53
DE-70193 Stuttgart
T: +49 711 99 345 0